Click on a year for the gallery:
2023 (Official Year 8)
After 9 years of doing this it can become a task to really challenge myself to explore new frontiers in art. 2023 was for diving deeper into composition, pattern exploration, and detailing with traditional inking tools. I feel good about 2023's results and have seen a lot of my own artistic skills dramatically increase over the years.
2022 (Official Year 7)
My eighth consecutive year of Linktober was 2022. I wanted to push my abilities both in conceptualization as well as inking skills, so I really put lots of thought into each day and utilized a lot of different tools too. 2022 was another year of great growth for my art.
2021 (Official Year 6)
2021 was my seventh year in a row doing this and while it might seem like I have drawn everything at least once...I haven't begun. For 2021 I stuck with my traditional tools but pushed the envelope conceptually. Testing the waters of different angles, patterns, dynamic poses, and some intricate details.
2020 (Official Year 5)
2020 brought about new challenges and pushing myself further. I tested out backgrounds, composition, accents of color, dynamic posing, landscapes, and emulating other art styles. These attempts brought my skills to new heights and open the doorway to new unique artwork for the future.
2019 (Official Year 4)
For 2019 I went back to digital sketching and traditional inking. I feel this was my strongest year so far.
This year took me past the milestone of my 150th official Linktober drawing.
This year took me past the milestone of my 150th official Linktober drawing.
2018 (Official Year 3)
This year is all about improving with digital inking so all here are drawn digitally.
On Day 7 I reached the milestone of my 100th official Linktober drawing.
On Day 7 I reached the milestone of my 100th official Linktober drawing.
2017 (Official Year 2)
All art here is drawn on 8.5x11 Bristol and inked with tools such as brushes, crow quill dip pens, Micron pens, and other inking tools.
2016 (Official Year 1)
This year's art is by hand on 8.5x11 sheets of paper with templated logos/frames. Inked traditionally with pens, brushes, and other inking tools.
2015 (Unofficial Year)
My first year creating "Linktober" in which I took Drawlloween prompts and related them to Zelda things. All drawn on paper traditionally inked and some colored.